Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Headers, Puppies, & Ball Pythons Oh My!

It's been a while since I've posted.

I decided to give making my own header a shot, and voila! The top banner was the finished product. I kept it super simple, and I'm pretty pleased with the way it turned out. Thank goodness for Google images for supplying cute heart patterns to choose from.

Today, Nicky and I went to a puppy pet store to take me out of my slump for not receiving a paycheck for the past two weeks, being I was on a vacation. It was exactly what I needed, except I wanted to take every pup home with me. Uh, the problem here is that my mom doesn't even want me having a fish. We also ended up looking around a reptiles and exotic creatures pet store where they had little ball pythons which oddly enough, I found to be adorable? The only way I can justify it is because of their tiny blacked-out eyes. The store also had baby chameleons which were equally as cute! What was not so cute  was the 50 lb. boa they had in the back. That thing freaked me out.

I ended the night with going to Starbucks with one of my friends that I haven't seen in a while, and it was nice to finally catch up with her. Starbucks seems to be the default place to do that sort of thing.

I'll be hitting S Bucks for a second time tomorrow with my friend Chris! Call me addicted, I don't really care.


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